myCMTN Apply

Health Care Assistant (HCA) | Certificate (CIP 51.3902)


Health Career Access Program (HCAP)

Coast Mountain College is collaborating with the Northern Health Authority to develop a delivery plan that will meet the strong demand for Health Care Assistants in our region.

  • Northern Health will provide CMTN with HCAP participants from their staffing pool (a combination of existing/internal staff and new/external hires).
  • Participants will be full-time employees of Northern Health, working part-time in Health Care Support Worker positions while participating part-time in this program.
  • HCAP is a paid pathway. Participants will be receiving a stipend as learners in the Health Care Assistant program and compensated as Health Care Support Workers. Tuition and program fees are also covered by the Ministry.

Eligibility and how to apply

For additional information regarding this training initiative, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, please review the following resources:

Intakes and locations

Our blended online, face-to-face teaching and learning model will provide access to learners across the Northwest, including:

  • Masset
  • Queen Charlotte
  • Prince Rupert
  • Terrace
  • Kitimat
  • Hazelton
  • Smithers
  • Houston

To meet the individual needs of the Northern Health Authority, CMTN is planning to deliver five Health Care Assistant offerings between April 2021 and February 2023:

Delivery  Start date End date Locations for face-to-face instruction
1* April 26, 2021 February 13, 2022 Terrace, Smithers, Prince Rupert
2* July 28, 2021 April 23, 2022 Terrace, Smithers, Kitimat
3* October 25, 2021 July 17, 2022 Terrace, Kitimat, Prince Rupert
4* April 25, 2022 December 11, 2022 Terrace, Smithers, Kitimat
5* February 20, 2023 October 27, 2023

Terrace, Smithers, Prince Rupert. 

6* September 18, 2023 May 31, 2024

Terrace, Smithers, Prince Rupert. 

7* February 19, 2024 October 25, 2024 Terrace, Smithers, Prince Rupert.




October 1, 2024

February 10, 2025

October 20, 2025

June 16, 2025

October 17, 2025

June 26, 2026

Terrace, Smithers, Prince Rupert.

Terrace, Smithers, Prince Rupert

Terrace, Smithers, Prince Rupert

*Dates and locations may be subject to change. HCAP 5 offering orientation on February 13, 2023.

Each offering will be eight months in duration. 24 seats will be available in each of the five offerings.

Each offering will be delivered via a part-time, blended teaching and learning model. Theory courses along with a portion of the program's laboratory course will be delivered online with learners able to complete their studies from their home community. The remaining portions of the program's laboratory courses and clinical placements will be delivered via face-to-face teaching and learning across four host communities, three per offerings. Host communities (Prince Rupert, Terrace, Kitimat & Smithers) were identified based on their ability to meet complex care placement requirements. 

To achieve and maintain student success, CMTN and Northern Health have established a Student Success plan that includes tutoring services, personal progress reporting, and opportunities for re-enrollment into the pathway during the initiative.

Minimum computer hardware specifications to successfully complete the program:

  • 4th generation (4000 series) Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7 and newer or AMD equivalent (Check your Computer Hardware) (Apple computers from 2013+)
  • 4GB of Memory (RAM)
  • Intel HD Graphics 3000 or better - Minimum supported screen resolution 1024x768.
  • Web Camera & Microphone


If you require further information about the HCAP program, please contact:


Learners must complete a minimum of 50% of the program hours at Coast Mountain College.

The Health Care Assistant program requires Learners to achieve a B- or higher in every theory course and CR (credit) grade in HCAS 1071 and practical experience courses (HCAS 1081, HCAS 1091 and HCAS 1101) to continue in the program and receive their credential.

HCAS 1011Concepts for Practice2.5
HCAS 1021Introduction to Practice1
HCAS 1031Interpersonal Communications1.5
HCAS 1041Lifestyle and Choices1
HCAS 1051Common Health Challenges4
HCAS 1061Cognitive or Mental Health Challenges2
HCAS 1071Personal Care & Assistance4
HCAS 1081Practice in Multi-Level/Complex Care5
HCAS 1091Experience in Home Support/Assisted Liv2
HCAS 1101Complex Care Preceptorship2
Total Credits25

In Winter 2021 we offer the theory portion of this program via Distributed Learning where we use various tools that may include email, web-conferencing platforms, online videos, social media, textbooks, print modules, local contexts and experiential tasks. Learn more about Distributed Learning at CMTN. Lab and clinical courses will require in person attendance and are currently scheduled as follows:  HCAS 107 Lab June 03-June 18, HCAS 109 Clinical June 21-July 23, HCAS 108 & HCAS 110 Juy 26- Aug 21st. Please indicate on your application which location (Terrace or Kitimat) you will be attending for the Lab and clinical portions. 

Prior to applying, please review the Health Care Assistant Program Expectations [PDF].

Important documents

Apply for Admission

Admission requirements

Learners are accepted into the program once all Step 1 documentation has been received and will be invited to register. Step 2 documentation is required for practice education experiences. Prior to the first day of clinical (HCAS 1081), learners are required to submit all Step 2 documents.  Learners who fail to submit any Step 2 documentation by the deadline will be prohibited from attending practice education experiences and withdrawn from the program.

Step 1: Required for admission and registration.

Step 2: Required for practice education experiences. Learners who fail to submit any Step 2 documentation will be prohibited from attending practice education experiences.

  • Criminal Record Check: (including advanced vulnerable populations) under the Criminal Records Review Act and the Ministry of Justice process for educational institutions. Applicants should only initiate their criminal record check when instructed by Admissions, the Program Coordinator, or the Health Lab Assistant. 

Please note: Any changes to your criminal record status or events occurring that will impact your criminal record must be reported in writing to the program Dean. Some events may impact your ability to attend clinical or practicum settings. The implications of failing to report changes, as a student, can result in program failure.

  • FOODSAFE Level 1:  All learners must present evidence of current FOODSAFE level 1 prior to entering classes. Please refer to Health Care registry Website for the acceptable courses.
  • CPR Level C: Applicants must provide evidence of successful completion of CPR level C no more than 12 months before admission.
  • First Aid: Applicants must provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following First Aid courses no more than 12 months before admission:
  • Standard First-Aid
  • Emergency First Aid – Community Care
  • Emergency First Aid for Industry
  • WorkSafe BC Basic First Aid

*Learners who do not meet the immunization requirements may be prohibited from attending practice education experiences.

Fees Domestic International
Full Time: 29 Weeks 29 Weeks
Tuition: $2,150.35 $9,902.63
Student Union Fees: $109.28 $109.28
Mandatory Fees: $666.13 $728.95
Extended Health and Dental * $285.00 $602.04
Total Tuition: 1 $3,265.40 $11,374.74
Additional Costs:
Books: 2
$450.00 $450.00
Supplies/Clothing: 2
$300.00 $300.00
Fieldwork/Practicum: 3
$200.00 $200.00
Mandatory Certificates: 4
$425.00 $425.00
*Total Program Cost: $4,640.40 $12,749.74

These fees are an annual cost. Program takes one year to complete.


Please note that these are approximate costs and may vary depending on courses taken.


Costs will vary depending on the location of practicum. Students are responsible for any required accommodations, food, or other travel expenses.


Please review admission requirements for mandatory certificates. These certificates are required before participating in a clinical setting. Fees are approximate and may vary.

Fees are effective as of August 1, 2024 for the 2024/25 academic year.

* The Coast Mountain Students Union (CMSU) is pleased to offer Extended Health and Dental Insurance to all qualifying members. The plan is mandatory for all students enrolled in 6 or more credits or a trades program of 26 weeks or longer. Some students, including those studying overseas and those with existing extended health coverage, are eligible to opt out. Visit to learn more about the plan or request to opt out. You will also receive a detailed introductory email no later than 6 weeks after your semester starts. For any inquiries about the plan, please contact the Students’ Union Organiser : Bhushra Ansari,

* Basic Health insurance is mandatory for all international students. Health insurance costs will be charged every term until students provide proof of MSP.

Career opportunities 

Graduates are qualified to work as frontline care providers in a variety of settings including:

  • Client's home
  • Adult day care
  • Assisted living
  • Complex care facilities

Learners should be aware that some employers require Grade 12 or equivalent for hire.  Dual Credit students are not eligible to work in the Community setting until they reach 19 years of age.

The CMTN Access to Practical Nursing program creates laddering opportunities to a Practical Nursing Diploma.