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PHYS 121

PHYS 121 Advanced Physics I
3 Credits

Strive to understand your universe! This is a calculus-based introduction to physics for students who want to learn more about the universe around them. Throughout the course there are examples relating physics to Indigenous experiential knowledge. The laboratory program is extensive and there is a project to design and build a scientific model that students test and use to perform an experiment. Topics include translational and rotational kinematics and dynamics, statics and equilibrium, momentum and energy conservation principles, fluids, kinetic theory, and thermodynamics. Students that intend to pursue careers involving engineering or science will benefit greatly from this course. This course is required for engineering and physical sciences students.

Minimum grade of C in Physics 12; Minimum grade of C in Pre-Calculus 12 or equivalent.

Transfer Credits
Explore transfer credit opportunities by visiting the BC Transfer Guide