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GEOG 210

GEOG 210 Environments and Society
3 Credits

Geography 210 allows students to examine the environmental problems of today's world in the context of different societies and societal responses. In this course, we will identify how individuals and cultures view key environmental issues, how we can objectively analyze these problems, and how solutions can be derived to mitigate or solve environmental issues at different scales, varying from site specific problems to the global biosphere. As a class, we will learn to listen to and evaluate responses to environmental issues from individuals, special interest groups, the 'public', politicians, and government agencies. Students will develop skills in objective analysis and use them to undertake a community-based project that examines the relationships between environmental issues, the needs of different types of economic development, and the sustainability of communities.

3 first year credits in Geography or 30 credits in a University Credit program

Transfer Credits
Explore transfer credit opportunities by visiting the BC Transfer Guide