ENVS 111
ENVS 111 Methods in Field Science
3 Credits
This is an experiential learning course designed for the student to develop skills that are core to field-based research methods in the natural sciences. Working in teams, students will practice skills in navigation and use of GPS, working with maps, making weather observations and taking field notes. Additional methods that follow industry standards for field research in environmental sciences, geology, and ecology will also be introduced. Students will be provided every opportunity to work on team-building and leadership skills. The course includes extensive fieldwork and overnight camping trips, with a focus on applying field science methods to the landscapes and ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. Awareness of and sensitivity to regional First Nations cultures, lands, and seeking consultation and collaboration in field-research projects will also be integral to this course. Students will learn to navigate and work in various aquatic and terrestrial systems safely and with awareness of hazards including wildlife.
Transfer Credits
Explore transfer credit opportunities by visiting the BC Transfer Guide