CRIM 210
CRIM 210 Law, Youth and Young Offenders
3 Credits
This course introduces students to the study of young offenders and delinquency through a discussion of trends, patterns, and theories of behavior. The course looks at the Youth Criminal Justice Act, its implications for young offenders and the public's growing concern about youth crimes. The main theories of 'delinquency' will be reviewed in conjunction with a review of the programs and services to deal with young offenders. The latter part of the class looks at controverisal issues such as sexual abuse and prostitution, substance abuse and delinquency, runaway and homeless youth, and aboriginal youth in the criminal justice system. (3,0,0),This course provides an in-depth examination of the nature, extent, causes and responses to youth crime and youth victimization in Canada. Current trends and topics related to youth crime are examined. Traditional and contemporary explanations of youth crime and victimization are considered, including individual and collective trauma. Responses to youth crime in the context of the Youth Criminal Justice Act are explored, and programs and services to deal with youth crime, including restorative justice, will be critically assessed.
Any 100 or 200 level CRIM course,Any University Credit course
Transfer Credits
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